Friday, December 13, 2013

Study Guide for Exam

Study Guide to the Semester Exam - Human Geo - Fall 2013

*Multiple choice*

  1. Introduction (Excellence)
a.              A Letter to Garcia - have to be able to count on people to do their best
b.             Socrates/ancient Greeks – real world appricalication (let no one tell you what to do) had his own beliefs, had the children don’t do what they’re told, question authority. “The unexamined life is not worth living” – not taking advantage of your knowledge; wasting talents
c.              Did You Know?/Shift Happens- World is changing faster than we know it, were training for jobs that don’t exist yet; we should be learning new skills
d.             Globalization- Always be learning to pick up new knowledge
e.             Infrastructure- ^^  (structure/ building block a country needs to be successful; electricity, good education system (kids are the future), healthcare (disease &sickness), transportation to import and export goods (airports harbors)

2.              Population and Migration
a.             population pyramids-
b.             crude birth rate, crude death rate, RNI, TFR- how does too many/little children being born effect jobs?
c.              immigration/emigration, NMR
d.             push forces, pull forces- pull forces- good health care, freedom, better economy
e.             developed nations, developing nations- developing nation o not have the infrastructure; developed nations have:  electricity, good education system (kids are the future), healthcare (disease &sickness), transportation to import and export goods (airports harbors)
f.               God Grew Tired of Us – Lost boys were forced out of their country (push force), once they came to America they to find had jobs and education to succed and survive in America without going poor.  (just because you come to America does not mean your problems are over
* Learned this because a lot of different countries that have problems and to show the difference between countries who have problems and who don’t. Realize America has it good compared to countries like Kenya

3.              Cultural Geography – We studied religion and language because its important to be culturally aware what the world is like. Look at things from a different point of view when it comes to people with different backgrounds
a.              language (bilingual nations, official language)- official languages & bilingual
b.              major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism)
c.              ethnic heritage

4.              Political Geography
a.              country, nation, state, nation/state
b.              World Leaders of the 12 nations we studied (plus the US) – (economic background, or protested their government and became leader; Nelson Mandela,
c.              type of government, leader and title, recognize photographs

5.              Economic Geography- how does little loans help people who need it?
a.              microfinance
b.              infrastructure
c.              Kiva

d.              Peace Corps

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