Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Today we went over the microfinance test and after Mr. Schick started to talk about Nelson Mandela. He talked about his life and accomplishments and his recent death/funeral. Nelson Mandela was suppose to be sentenced to life in prison for protesting segregation. He was against that whites couldn't go be in same places or schools as the black people. Even though it was 90% black in South Africa the 10% of the whites still tried to take over and continue the segregation. Eventually, he was only imprisoned for 23 years and after that they let him go. After he got out things changed a little and he ran for president. Because of the mostly black population in South Africa they all voted for him and he was elected president. He was seen as a world leader not only in Africa but all around the world. He lived to be 95 years old and died in 2013.

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