Thursday, September 5, 2013

Interesting Things in the Shift Happens Video

The three things that interested me in the video we watched today in class were...

"The top 10 jobs in 2010, didnt exist in 2004" This interested me because the jobs that are there now are helping the economy didnt even exist in 2004 and now they do. I wonder what jobs are going to be availible when im older and what technology will be out.

" The U.S ranks 28th in the world in broadland internet penetration" This interested me because its would see to be Americans can get on the interenet everywhere because were always on the internet but there are 27 more countries ahead of us with more broadland internet than us.

"1 out of 6 married couples met online" This also interested me because this means that people are not going out and meeting people they are looking for matches online instead of having a face to face conversation trying to get to know someone.

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