Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Different Religions Around the World

Today in class we started to take notes on each other's power points...


  • monotheistic belief in a god or gods, and is an arabic religion
  • the Qu'ran is a book like our bible (considered to be the exact words of god)
  • followers of islam are called Muslims
  • Muslims live in Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, India, Pakistan, and Bangladen
  • Its a belief that god is one, and the purpose is to love & serve him
  • They believe that Islam is the universal religion of faith & was revealed through Abraham, Jesus, & Moses
  • Believed that Jesus was more of a prophet than the Messiah, Muhammad was their messiah
  • Allah is the one & only god
  • He's completely perfect
  • No one is as high or divine as him
  • He never sleep, dies, or gets tired
  • Humans are not created in Allah's image
  • Humans can ask Allah for anything they want 
  • 5 pillars - creed must be recited under oath, ritual prayers must be performed 5 times a day, fasting must be performed dusk to dawn during the month of Ramadan, give money to the poor, pilgrimage is done during the Islamic month in the city of Mecca
  • Hajj mean pilgrimage - several ceremonies symbolizing the concept of Islamic faith

Parts of Christianity

  • Roman Catholic
  • Baptist
  • Presbyterian
  • Lutheran
  • Protestant
  • Methodist
  • Mormon
  • Quaker
  • Orthodox
  • Jehovah's witness

  • 50% of Christians are Catholic
  • 11% is Orthodox
  • 1.3 % are others
  • 2.8 billion Christians in the world
  • US, Brazil, & Mexico - most Christians
  • Holy book- bible
  • Believe that Jesus was killed on Earth and resurrected to heaven
  • Most/biggest populated religion in the world
  • Believes that Jesus is the son of God/ fully human

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