Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day at John Carroll

My first day at John Carroll was very fun and exciting because I was starting at a new school and I was going to meet new people. It was a bit hard trying to find where my classes were since the school was new and unfamiliar to me. I met a lot of new friends during my classes and during free mods when I had to eat lunch. But it wasn’t like I had no friends in John Carroll because I knew people that go there who are 1-2 grades older than me. I had all nice teachers but some are stricter than others. I also had trouble remembering my locker combination and trying to open it so a sophomore had to come help me open it. I love my advisor Ms. Snooks. She is new too some we have a lot more things in common both coming from new places. Spanish class its different than all my other classes because I take the course with 2 other freshmen and the rest of the class is full of sophomores.

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