Friday, August 30, 2013

5 Things To Help Get Through Highschool Successfully

5 things that will get me through highschool successfully and with exellence are

1. Get involved outside of school (ex. extra coricular activities, sports)
2. Make sure you're always caught up on work if you're absent. (You are independant for you own work now)
3. Study for tests and quizzes to make sure you know the material you are getting tested on
4. Ask for help or email a teacher if you dont understand something you learn in class instead of not doing an assignment because you dont get it
5. Be interactive during class with answering questions or asking them so you understand the material better

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Setting Up Blogger accounts

Today in class we finished setting up our blogger accounts because some people had trouble doing it for homework and the teacher was not recieving the emails from everyone that we set up out accounts. After we finished setting up our accounts Mr. Schick showed us how to add links to our Blogger pages and he told us to add the think to CIA Factbook. A lot of people had a struggle being able to do that so i went around after i was finished setting up my links helping my other classmates add their links to their pages. We also learned how to change the design and other things on our blogs by click this button called "design". It led us to a page where we could edit our recent blogs, change the format of the layout of the blog, or add the other link you desire to have on your blog.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day at John Carroll

My first day at John Carroll was very fun and exciting because I was starting at a new school and I was going to meet new people. It was a bit hard trying to find where my classes were since the school was new and unfamiliar to me. I met a lot of new friends during my classes and during free mods when I had to eat lunch. But it wasn’t like I had no friends in John Carroll because I knew people that go there who are 1-2 grades older than me. I had all nice teachers but some are stricter than others. I also had trouble remembering my locker combination and trying to open it so a sophomore had to come help me open it. I love my advisor Ms. Snooks. She is new too some we have a lot more things in common both coming from new places. Spanish class its different than all my other classes because I take the course with 2 other freshmen and the rest of the class is full of sophomores.