Friday, January 17, 2014

Test & What I liked about the semester

Today we had our last test

I liked how we did the powerpoints to takes notes and how you explained them instead of us just copying them down and thats it. I like the blogs because sometimes it helps you with remembering what you learned in class that day.

I didn't like how all of our test were mostly scan tron and it was harder to fill in the bubbles and making sure you filled in the right one.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Study Guide

America- corn, squash, bean
Middle East- wheat
China- rice
Africa - Sorga, yam, milit
Papua New Guinea - sago, bananas

Mesopotamia- 3500 BC (Iraq)
Nile River- 3200 BC (Egypt)
Indus River Valley- 2200 (India)
Huang He An Wei River Valley- 1500 BC (China)
Mesoamericas- 200 BC (the Americas)

Agricultural villages= a relatively small, egalitarian villages, where most of the population was involved in agriculture
About 10,000 years ago, people began living in agriculture villages.

Moving east to west on latitude would make the climate stay the same so you can grow the same crops

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Farming & Animal Domestication

Today in class still watched the movie. We learned that China mainly grows rice, Americas grow beans, corn and squash, Africa grows sorgum and yams. We also learned why its important to have animals to help with the crops or for domestication. If you want to have a good domesticated animal they should be able to reproduce from ages 1-2 years old. In all theres about 15 domesticated animals named in the movie over 100 pounds that could help you out. They are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yaks, muskox (2 types), and cattle. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Today in class we watched a movie on a man named Jared Diamond who went to Papanewguinea to look at all the birds there then he was asked why everyone in the United States have so much "cargo" which means everything we have including technology, food, and other products to the people of Papanewguinea. After that the question also came to Jared Diamond and he wanted to find out why a country like theirs where the people are so smart dont have the resources we do in other countries.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rome & Greece Urban Areas

Today in class we started taking more note on the Urban Geography powerpoint. We learned about about urban areas in Greece in 500BCE & that they were highly urbanized. They had more than 500 cities and towns with each city having an acropolis and an agora. And the Roman urban areas had small cities and towns linked together within miles from each other. Roman cities were typically for trade and Rome at the same time had both wealth and poverty

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Urban Geography

Today in class we were able to find out our grades for the test part of the exam. After that we started a new section on Urban Geography. It deals with showing how urban areas were back over thousands of years ago and how it changed over time. Also its shows how quickly an area rural or suburban can be urbanized by the population increasing or many buildings and factories being built.